“Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.”
Luke 3:9-10 (NRSV)
“Homeless people are treated worse than stray animals,” Ms. Spikes said. “When someone finds a stray animal, they take it home and feed it. When someone sees a homeless person, they call the police. Where is the compassion?”
As quoted in the New York Times, December 17, 2019

We know where the compassion is! We see it at the Cafe. We see it in our guests for one another. We see it in our volunteers and our staff for our guests. We see it in you. Compassion nourishes us in way that food cannot.
We celebrated Christmas on Thursday, December 19 this year. We had a special breakfast and small gifts for each guest – new socks, hand warmers, toiletries and other necessities. Loaves and Fishes was open for guests to browse for new clothes.
There are at least as many reasons for hunger and homelessness in New Haven as there are guests. Our guests struggle against cold and stereotyping – some face mental health issues, some medical, some work at minimum wage jobs. All are welcome. All leave ready to start their day wherever it will lead them.
May the warmth of the holiday season surround you and your family.