Partner Services

Clothing and Footware

Sunrise Cafe is located adjacent to Loaves and Fishes, a Program of St Paul & St James Church. Loaves and Fishes is a Saturday food pantry and every weekday source of clothes, coats and shoes for Sunrise Cafe Guests.

Basic Medical Services

Phil Costello, APRN, clinical director for homeless care at Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center , provides basic medical at least one day each week. For more information on Phil’s work see the New Haven Register article at

Housing, Employment and Job Training

Liberty Community Services staff provide housing and job training assistance Monday through Friday each week.

Mental Health Services

Emma Lo, MD, Street Outreach Services, Connecticut Mental Health Center provides mental health counseling and referral services at least one day each week.

The New Haven Paws Project

 Poverty Alleviation Through Washing Soles provides foot care, clean sock and new shoes at the café at least twice each year.